Safety & Health

Spiritual needs are to be nurtured too. But we need to exercise extreme caution and care for we are still in very fragile times. We are opening our chapel for people in great need of such spiritual nourishment and consolation. We are enforcing preventive measures to ensure our health and well-being.

Don Bosco Tarlac is committed to upholding the policies of our Government that safeguard us from the prevailing pandemic. Because of this commitment, DB Tarlac ensures that all personnel and visitors follow the health protocols to avoid the spread of COVID-19.

  1. All are required to wear face masks at all times.

  2. There is a mandatory temperature screening before entry to the campus or chapel is allowed.

  3. Frequent hand-washing and disinfection are observed.

  4. Physical distancing is enforced.

  5. There is daily disinfection of the campus and especially of the MHC Chapel.